Family: Tortricidae Checklist Number: 49.107
Gynnidomorpha permixtana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Coast Straw
A small cream and caramel coloured moth associated with open mossy habitats, waste ground, damp heathland and seems to favour coastal habitats. The larvae feed within the stems of red bartsia (Odontites vernus) and yellow rattle (Rhinanthus minor). NBN Atlas has only 27 records of the species and it has been proposed as requiring Red Data Book (RDB) status though it is also thought to have been overlooked in the past and hence under-recorded. Of the 27 NBN UK records, 17 are from Scotland with the bulk of them (16 records) coming from the Outer Hebrides.
Sterling, P. & Parsons, M. (2023 second edition). Field Guide to the Micro-moths of Great Britain and Ireland.