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Taxonomic List of Lepidoptera
Species Ordered by Family

The list of species recorded in the Outer Hebrides (VC 110) is derived from records submitted by various organisations to the National Biodiversity Network Atlas. With the exception of records supplied by Outer Hebrides Biological Recording, we cannot verify the accuracy of the species identification nor whether these species are still present. Unfortunately not all the records submitted to NBN are publicly available; therefore, although we are aware that a species has been recorded on the islands, it does not always appear on the NBN distribution maps.

This is not a definitive list; it does not include many of the species recorded in literature or in museum collections; and although moths and butterflies are well documented in comparison with other insects, we are still adding new species to the list. If you record a species not currently listed, and submit your record to OHBR you will be requested to supply further information on how the species was identified to enable us to verify the record. Please note that some species can only be identified by dissection.

The species number is the new checklist number, used in the Checklist of the Lepidoptera of the British Isles (Agassiz, D.J.L., Beavan, S.D. & Heckford R.J. 2013). There has been a major review of the taxonomy of Lepidoptera so some of the species names have changed and some species have been moved to a different family. We have not adopted the trinomials used in the new checklist as most recorders only use binomials.

We would like to acknowledge the contribution made by John Kemp in revising this checklist and for his advice on the current status of a number of species.

A copy of the systematic checklist can be downloaded from the OHBR website. An annotated version, which provides additional information on the status and recorded flight times of the species within the islands and indicates which species require particular care with identification, is also available from the same source.


Micropterigidaarrow open

Hepialidaearrow open

Nepticulidaearrow open

Opostegidaearrow open

Incurvariidaearrow open

Tineidaearrow open

Bucculatricidaearrow open

Gracillariidaearrow open

Yponomeutidaearrow open

Ypsolophidaearrow open

Plutellidaearrow open

Glyphipterigidaearrow open

Argyresthiidaearrow open

Lyonetiidaearrow open

Praydidaearrow open

Oecophoridaearrow open

Depressariidaearrow open

Gelechiidaearrow open

Coleophoridaearrow open

Elachistidaearrow open

Momphidaearrow open

Blastobasidaearrow open

Alucitidae arrow open

Pterophoridaearrow open

Schreckensteiniidaearrow open

Epermeniidaearrow open

Choreutidaearrow open

Tortricidaearrow open

49.008 Philedone gerningana
49.010 Philedonides lunana
49.025 Pandemis cerasana
49.028 Syndemis musculana
49.031 Zelotherses paleana
49.033 Aphelia viburnana
49.035 Clepsis senecionana
49.037 Clepsis spectrana
49.039 Epiphyas postvittana
49.045 Eana osseana
49.048 Eana penziana
49.050 Cnephasia stephensiana
49.056 Cnephasia conspersana
49.064 Acleris caledoniana
49.066 Acleris laterana
49.069 Acleris sparsana
49.070 Acleris rhombana
49.072 Acleris effractana
49.077 Acleris variegana
49.078 Acleris aspersana
49.080 Acleris hastiana
49.082 Acleris hyemana
49.089 Acleris rufana
49.091 Pseudargyrotoza conwagana
49.097 Cochylchroa atricapitana
49.107 Gynnidomorpha permixtana
49.109 Agapeta hamana
49.110 Agapeta zoegana
49.111 Eupoecilia angustana
49.115 Aethes piercei
49.120 Aethes smeathmanniana
49.127 Aethes cnicana
49.128 Aethes rubigana
49.139 Cochylimorpha straminea
49.142 Falseuncaria ruficiliana
49.146 Apotomis semifasciana
49.150 Apotomis betuletana
49.159 Hedya atropunctana
49.161 Celypha striana
49.164 Celypha cespitana
49.166 Celypha lacunana
49.172 Phiaris schulziana
49.185 Lobesia littoralis
49.188 Endothenia marginana
49.193 Endothenia quadrimaculana
49.194 Bactra lancealana
49.195 Bactra furfurana
49.196 Bactra lacteana
49.201 Ancylis unguicella
49.202 Ancylis uncella
49.207 Ancylis geminana
49.208 Ancylis subarcuana
49.209 Ancylis diminutana
49.221 Rhopobota stagnana
49.223 Rhopobota naevana
49.228 Epinotia sordidana
49.229 Epinotia caprana
49.238 Epinotia cruciana
49.240 Epinotia immundana
49.244 Epinotia subocellana
49.245 Epinotia tetraquetrana
49.248 Epinotia tenerana
49.249 Epinotia ramella
49.252 Epinotia tedella
49.255 Epinotia nisella
49.257 Zeiraphera griseana
49.259 Zeiraphera ratzeburgiana
49.265 Eucosma cana
49.266 Eucosma hohenwartiana
49.269 Eucosma campoliliana
49.285 Epiblema scutulana
49.286 Epiblema cirsiana
49.289 Epiblema costipunctana
49.292 Notocelia cynosbatella
49.294 Notocelia uddmanniana
49.307 Rhyacionia pinivorana
49.309 Dichrorampha plumbana
49.311 Dichrorampha aeratana
49.321 Dichrorampha petiverella
49.323 Dichrorampha alpestrana
49.325 Cydia ulicetana
49.341 Cydia splendana
49.345 Lathronympha strigana
49.347 Grapholita compositella
49.358 Grapholita tenebrosana
49.371 Pammene rhediella
49.380 Pammene gallicana
49.388 Cydia pomonella

Zygaenidaearrow open

Pieridaearrow open

Nymphalidaearrow open

Lycaenidaearrow open

Pyralidaearrow open

Crambidaearrow open

Drepanidaearrow open

Lasiocampidaearrow open

Saturniidaearrow open

Sphingidaearrow open

Geometridaearrow open

70.011 Idaea dimidiata
70.013 Idaea biselata
70.016 Idaea aversata
70.026 Scopula ternata
70.038 Rhodometra sacraria
70.046 Orthonama vittata
70.047 Nycterosea obstipata
70.048 Xanthorhoe decoloraria
70.049 Xanthorhoe fluctuata
70.051 Xanthorhoe spadicearia
70.052 Xanthorhoe ferrugata
70.053 Xanthorhoe designata
70.054 Xanthorhoe montanata
70.059 Camptogramma bilineata
70.061 Epirrhoe alternata
70.067 Anticlea derivata
70.068 Mesoleuca albicillata
70.069 Pelurga comitata
70.071 Entephria flavicinctata
70.072 Entephria caesiata
70.074 Hydriomena furcata
70.075 Hydriomena impluviata
70.076 Hydriomena ruberata
70.077 Pennithera firmata
70.078 Thera cognata
70.079 Thera britannica
70.081 Thera obeliscata
70.082 Thera juniperata
70.087 Cosmorhoe ocellata
70.090 Eulithis testata
70.091 Eulithis populata
70.093 Gandaritis pyraliata
70.094 Ecliptopera silaceata
70.095 Chloroclysta siterata
70.096 Chloroclysta miata
70.097 Dysstroma truncata concinnata
70.097 Dysstroma truncata
70.098 Dysstroma citrata
70.100 Colostygia pectinataria
70.101 Colostygia multistrigaria
70.102 Coenotephria salicata
70.103 Lampropteryx suffumata
70.106 Operophtera brumata
70.109 Epirrita autumnata
70.110 Epirrita filigrammaria
70.120 Rheumaptera hastata
70.121 Rheumaptera undulata
70.123 Triphosa dubitata
70.125 Coenocalpe lapidata
70.131 Mesotype didymata
70.133 Perizoma alchemillata
70.134 Perizoma bifaciata
70.136 Perizoma blandiata
70.137 Perizoma albulata
70.141 Gymnoscelis rufifasciata
70.142 Chloroclystis v-ata
70.151 Eupithecia pulchellata
70.154 Eupithecia pygmaeata
70.155 Eupithecia venosata
70.156 Eupithecia abbreviata
70.157 Eupithecia dodoneata
70.158 Eupithecia pusillata
70.161 Eupithecia virgaureata
70.163 Eupithecia lariciata
70.168 Eupithecia nanata
70.171 Eupithecia indigata
70.172 Eupithecia distinctaria
70.173 Eupithecia centaureata
70.176 Eupithecia intricata
70.177 Eupithecia satyrata
70.179 Eupithecia absinthiata
70.182 Eupithecia assimilata
70.183 Eupithecia vulgata
70.190 Eupithecia subfuscata
70.191 Carsia sororiata
70.192 Aplocera plagiata
70.202 Trichopteryx carpinata
70.205 Abraxas grossulariata
70.207 Lomaspilis marginata
70.211 Macaria notata
70.214 Macaria liturata
70.222 Petrophora chlorosata
70.224 Plagodis dolabraria
70.226 Opisthograptis luteolata
70.227 Epione repandaria
70.234 Ennomos alniaria
70.237 Selenia dentaria
70.238 Selenia lunularia
70.240 Odontopera bidentata
70.241 Crocallis elinguaria
70.243 Ourapteryx sambucaria
70.244 Colotois pennaria
70.247 Phigalia pilosaria
70.250 Lycia zonaria
70.252 Biston betularia
70.254 Agriopis aurantiaria
70.255 Agriopis marginaria
70.256 Erannis defoliaria
70.262 Selidosema brunnearia
70.264 Deileptenia ribeata
70.265 Alcis repandata
70.266 Alcis jubata
70.274 Eathalura punctulata
70.275 Ematurga atomaria
70.276 Bupalus piniaria
70.277 Cabera pusaria
70.278 Cabera exanthemata
70.283 Campaea margaritaria
70.284 Hylaea fasciaria
70.285 Gnophos obfuscata
70.292 Dyscia fagaria
70.299 Geometra papilionaria

Notodontidaearrow open

Erebidaearrow open

Noctuidaearrow open

73.001 Abrostola tripartita
73.002 Abrostola triplasia
73.012 Diachrysia chrysitis
73.015 Autographa gamma
73.016 Autographa pulchrina
73.018 Autographa bractea
73.021 Syngrapha interrogationis
73.022 Plusia festucae
73.023 Plusia putnami
73.026 Deltote uncula
73.032 Colocasia coryli
73.038 Acronicta psi
73.040 Acronicta leporina
73.042 Acronicta menyanthidis
73.044 Acronicta cinerea
73.045 Acronicta rumicis
73.052 Cucullia umbratica
73.061 Stilbia anomala
73.064 Amphipyra tragopoginis
73.069 Xylocampa areola
73.074 Heliothis peltigera
73.076 Helicoverpa armigera
73.087 Spodoptera exigua
73.092 Caradrina morpheus
73.095 Caradrina clavipalpis
73.096 Hoplodrina octogenaria
73.097 Hoplodrina blanda
73.102 Rusina ferruginea
73.110 Hyppa rectilinea
73.113 Phlogophora meticulosa
73.114 Euplexia lucipara
73.118 Celaena haworthii
73.119 Helotropha leucostigma
73.123 Hydraecia micacea
73.126 Amphipoea fucosa
73.127 Amphipoea lucens
73.128A Amphipoea sp.
73.129 Amphipoea crinanensis
73.131 Luperina testacea
73.134 Rhizedra lutosa
73.136 Nonagria typae
73.144 Denticucullus pygmina
73.147 Photedes minima
73.154 Apamea remissa
73.156 Apamea crenata
73.158 Apamea sordens
73.162 Apamea monoglypha
73.163 Apamea lithoxylaea
73.168 Lateroligia ophiogramma
73.169 Mesapamea secalis agg.
73.169 Mesapamea secalis
73.170 Mesapamea didyma
73.172 Mesoligia furuncula
73.176 Oligia fasciuncula
73.181 Xanthia togata
73.182 Cirrhia icteritia
73.189 Leptologia lota
73.190 Leptologia macilenta
73.192 Sunira circellaris
73.193 Anchoscelis lunosa
73.194 Conistra vaccinii
73.209 Xylena vetusta
73.210 Eupsilia transversa
73.216 Cosmia trapezina
73.220 Brachylomia viminalis
73.228 Antitype chi
73.232 Aporophyla lueneburgensis
73.233 Aporophyla nigra
73.234 Dasypolia templi
73.238 Mniotype adusta
73.241 Panolis flammea
73.242 Orthosia incerta
73.244 Orthosia cerasi
73.247 Orthosia gracilis
73.249 Orthosia gothica
73.252 Tholera cespitis
73.254 Cerapteryx graminis
73.256 Anarta melanopa
73.257 Anarta myrtilli
73.261 Polia nebulosa
73.264 Lacanobia thalassina
73.267 Lacanobia oleracea
73.271 Ceramica pisi
73.272 Papestra biren
73.273 Hada plebeja
73.274 Mamestra brassicae
73.276 Sideridis rivularis
73.281 Hadena bicruris
73.283 Hadena confusa
73.291 Mythimna pallens
73.293 Mythimna impura
73.296 Mythimna unipuncta
73.307 Peridroma saucia
73.313 Euxoa tritici
73.317 Agrotis exclamationis
73.319 Agrotis segetum
73.322 Agrotis vestigialis
73.327 Agrotis ipsilon
73.328 Axylia putris
73.329 Ochropleura plecta
73.331 Diarsia dahlii
73.332 Diarsia brunnea
73.333 Diarsia mendica
73.334 Diarsia rubi
73.336 Cerastis rubricosa
73.338 Lycophotia porphyrea
73.339 Rhyacia simulans
73.341 Standfussiana lucernea
73.342 Noctua pronuba
73.345 Noctua comes
73.346 Noctua interjecta
73.348 Noctua janthe
73.350 Eurois occulta
73.351 Graphiphora augur
73.352 Anaplectoides prasina
73.353 Xestia baja
73.355 Xestia c-nigrum
73.356 Xestia agathina
73.357 Xestia xanthographa
73.358 Xestia sexstrigata
73.359 Xestia castanea
73.360 Xestia ditrapezium
73.361 Xestia triangulum
73.365 Eugnorisma glareosa
73.368 Naenia typica

Nolidaearrow open