The list of species recorded in the Outer Hebrides (VC 110) is derived from records submitted by various organisations to the National Biodiversity Network Atlas. With the exception of records supplied by Outer Hebrides Biological Recording, we cannot verify the accuracy of the species identification nor whether these species are still present. Unfortunately not all the records submitted to NBN are publicly available; therefore, although we are aware that a species has been recorded on the islands, it does not always appear on the NBN distribution maps.
This is not a definitive list; it does not include many of the species recorded in literature or in museum collections; and although moths and butterflies are well documented in comparison with other insects, we are still adding new species to the list. If you record a species not currently listed, and submit your record to OHBR you will be requested to supply further information on how the species was identified to enable us to verify the record. Please note that some species can only be identified by dissection.
The species number is the new checklist number, used in the Checklist of the Lepidoptera of the British Isles (Agassiz, D.J.L., Beavan, S.D. & Heckford R.J. 2013). There has been a major review of the taxonomy of Lepidoptera so some of the species names have changed and some species have been moved to a different family. We have not adopted the trinomials used in the new checklist as most recorders only use binomials.
We would like to acknowledge the contribution made by John Kemp in revising this checklist and for his advice on the current status of a number of species.
A copy of the systematic checklist can be downloaded from the OHBR website. An annotated version, which provides additional information on the status and recorded flight times of the species within the islands and indicates which species require particular care with identification, is also available from the same source.
1.003 | Micropterix aureatella |
1.004 | Micropterix aruncella |
1.005 | Micropterix calthella |
3.003 | Korscheltellus fusconebulosa |
3.004 | Phymatopus hecta |
3.005 | Hepialus humuli |
4.045 | Stigmella aurella |
5.001 | Opostega salaciella |
8.004 | Incurvaria praelatella |
0.000 | Nemapogon asyntacta |
12.030 | Tinea pallescentella |
12.032 | Tinea semifulvella |
12.036 | Monopis laevigella |
12.037 | Monopis weaverella |
14.013 | Bucculatrix demaryella |
15.003 | Caloptilia populetorum |
15.004 | Caloptilia elongella |
15.005 | Caloptilia betulicola |
15.006 | Caloptilia rufipennella |
15.010 | Caloptilia stigmatella |
15.014 | Gracillaria syringella |
15.015 | Aspilapteryx tringipennella |
15.030 | Parornix scoticella |
15.056 | Phyllonorycter salicicolella |
15.058 | Phyllonorycter hilarella |
15.063 | Phyllonorycter maestingella |
15.067 | Phyllonorycter rajella |
16.001 | Yponomeuta evonymella |
16.002 | Yponomeuta padella |
16.015 | Swammerdamia caesiella |
17.002 | Ypsolopha nemorella |
17.010 | Ypsolopha parenthesella |
17.015 | Ochsenheimeria urella |
18.001 | Plutella xylostella |
18.003 | Plutella porrectella |
18.005 | Rhigognostis annulatella |
19.001 | Orthotelia sparganella |
19.002 | Glyphipterix thrasonella |
19.005 | Glyphipterix haworthana |
19.006 | Glyphipterix forsterella |
19.007 | Glyphipterix simpliciella |
19.008 | Glyphipterix schoenicolella |
20.011 | Argyresthia brockeella |
20.012 | Argyresthia goedartella |
20.013 | Argyresthia pygmaeella |
20.016 | Argyresthia retinella |
20.019 | Argyresthia conjugella |
20.020 | Argyresthia semifusca |
20.021 | Argyresthia pruniella |
21.005 | Leucoptera spartifoliella |
22.002 | Prays fraxinella |
28.009 | Endrosis sarcitrella |
28.010 | Hofmannophila pseudospretella |
28.025 | Pleurota bicostella |
32.007 | Agonopterix ocellana |
32.015 | Agonopterix subpropinquella |
32.018 | Agonopterix heracliana |
32.019 | Agonopterix ciliella |
32.026 | Agonopterix kaekeritziana |
32.030 | Agonopterix nervosa |
32.035 | Agonopterix yeatiana |
32.036 | Depressaria radiella |
32.038 | Depressaria badiella |
32.039 | Depressaria daucella |
35.010 | Aproaerema anthyllidella |
35.017 | Neofaculta ericetella |
35.038 | Bryotropha domestica |
35.039 | Bryotropha politella |
35.040 | Bryotropha terrella |
35.082 | Oxypteryx immaculatella |
35.119 | Scrobipalpa samadensis |
35.131 | Caryocolum marmorea |
35.150 | Carpatolechia notatella |
35.151 | Carpatolechia proximella |
35.153 | Pseudotelphusa paripunctella |
37.022 | Coleophora lusciniaepennella |
37.028 | Coleophora juncicolella |
37.044 | Coleophora discordella |
37.055 | Coleophora pyrrhulipennella |
37.063 | Coleophora albicosta |
37.071 | Coleophora glaucicolella |
37.072 | Coleophora otidipennella |
37.073 | Coleophora alticolella |
37.074 | Coleophora taeniipennella |
37.083 | Coleophora saxicolella |
37.086 | Coleophora versurella |
37.099 | Coleophora striatipennella |
38.004 | Elachista argentella |
38.016 | Elachista subalbidella |
38.028 | Elachista alpinella |
38.030 | Elachista albifrontella |
38.037 | Elachista canapennella |
38.046 | Elachista albidella |
40.004 | Mompha propinquella |
40.013 | Mompha locupletella |
40.015 | Mompha raschkiella |
37.080 | Coleophora virgaureae |
41.002 | Blastobasis adustella |
41.003 | Blastobasis lacticolella |
44.001 | Alucita hexadactyla |
45.004 | Platyptilia gonodactyla |
45.006 | Platyptilia isodactylus |
45.008 | Gillmeria pallidactyla |
45.011 | Amblyptilia punctidactyla |
45.044 | Emmelina monodactyla |
46.001 | Schrekensteinia festaliella |
47.001 | Phaulernis fulviguttella |
47.005 | Epermenia chaerophyllella |
48.001 | Anthophila fabriciana |
54.008 | Zygaena filipendulae |
58.003 | Anthocharis cardamines |
58.006 | Pieris brassicae |
58.007 | Pieris rapae |
58.008 | Pieris napi |
58.010 | Colias croceus |
59.003 | Pararge aegeria |
59.004 | Coenonympha tullia |
59.005 | Coenonympha pamphilus |
59.009 | Aphantophus hyperanthus |
59.010 | Maniola jurtina |
59.013 | Hippocharia semele |
59.019 | Speyeria aglaja |
59.023 | Vanessa atalanta |
59.024 | Vanessa cardui |
59.026 | Aglais io |
59.027 | Aglais urticae |
61.018 | Polyommatus icarus |
62.001 | Aphomia sociella |
62.012 | Pyla fusca |
62.015 | Delplanqueia dilutella |
62.027 | Dioryctria simplicella |
62.028 | Dioryctria abietella |
62.035 | Acrobasis advenella |
62.059 | Phycitodes saxicola |
62.069 | Anerastia lotella |
63.005 | Pyrausta despicata |
63.007 | Pyrausta purpuralis |
63.016 | Anania fuscalis |
63.021 | Anania terrealis |
63.025 | Anania hortulata |
63.031 | Udea ferrugalis |
63.033 | Udea lutealis |
63.034 | Udea prunalis |
63.038 | Patania ruralis |
63.048 | Palpita vitreali |
63.052 | Nomophila noctuella |
63.060 | Evergestis pallidata |
63.062 | Scoparia subfusca |
63.064 | Scoparia ambigualis |
63.066 | Scoparia pyralella |
63.068 | Eudonia murana |
63.069 | Eudonia angustea |
63.071 | Eudonia lineola |
63.073 | Eudonia truncicolella |
63.074 | Eudonia mercurella |
63.075 | Eudonia pallida |
63.080 | Chrysoteuchia culmella |
63.081 | Crambus pascuella |
63.084 | Crambus ericella |
63.085 | Crambus pratella |
63.086 | Crambus lathoniellus |
63.088 | Crambus perlella |
63.089 | Agriphila tristella |
63.090 | Agriphila inquinatella |
63.092 | Agriphila selasella |
63.093 | Agriphila straminella |
63.095 | Agriphila geniculea |
63.099 | Catoptria pinella |
63.100 | Catoptria margaritella |
63.114 | Elophila nymphaeata |
63.118 | Nymphula nitidulata |
63.122 | Donacaula mucronella |
65.008 | Thyatira batis |
65.011 | Tethea or |
65.013 | Ochropacha duplaris |
66.001 | Poecilocampa populi |
66.007 | Lasiocampa quercus |
66.008 | Macrothylacia rubi |
66.010 | Euthrix potatoria |
68.001 | Saturnia pavonia |
69.003 | Laothoe populi |
69.004 | Agrius convolvuli |
69.005 | Acherontia atropos |
69.010 | Macroglossum stellatarum |
69.011 | Daphnis nerii |
69.014 | Hyles gallii |
69.015 | Hyles livornica |
69.016 | Deilephila elpenor |
71.003 | Cerura vinula |
71.005 | Furcula furcula |
71.012 | Notodonta dromedarius |
71.013 | Notodonta ziczac |
71.017 | Pheosia tremula |
71.018 | Pheosia gnoma |
71.021 | Ptilodon capucina |
71.025 | Phalera bucephala |
71.028 | Clostera pigra |
72.001 | Scoliopteryx libatrix |
72.002 | Rivula sericealis |
72.003 | Hypena proboscidalis |
72.019 | Spilosoma lutea |
72.020 | Spilosoma lubricipeda |
72.023 | Diacrisia sannio |
72.024 | Phragmatobia fuliginosa |
72.025 | Parasemia plantaginis |
72.026 | Arctia caja |
72.031 | Tyria jacobaeae |
72.038 | Cybosia mesomella |
72.043 | Eilema depressa |
72.045 | Eilema lurideola |
72.060 | Hypenodes humidalis |
72.061 | Schrankia costaestrigalis |
72.067 | Phytometra viridaria |
74.008 | Pseudoips prasinana |