website logo Lepidoptera Outer Hebrides

Family: Noctuidae   Checklist Number: 73.190

Leptologia macilenta (Hübner, [1809])

Yellow-line Quaker

Widespread throughout Britain with the Outer Hebrides being on the western fringe of the Scottish distribution. As of 2024 there are just two records: the first from South Uist in October 2009 and the second from Lewis in October 2020. The flight period is from October to November in broadleaved woodland and over moorland and scrub. The larvae feed on numerous trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. With such an eclectic diet it may prove to be more common.

Leverton, R. & Cubitt, M. (2024). The Larger Moths of Scotland.
Waring, P. & Townsend, M. (2018 third edition). Field Guide to the Moths of Great Britain and Ireland.